Anointing of the Sick
Jesus healed all kinds of people. Today he still helps those who are ill or injured through the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
Anointing of the Sick FAQs
Is this what used to be call “Extreme Unction”?
Yes. The name of the sacrament was changed to reflect its true nature. In times past, the priest was called to anoint a person as close to the time of death as possible. New thinking has expanded the meaning to offer the grace of this sacrament to anyone who is in need of physical or mental healing. This sacrament may be received as often as necessary.
Do I have to be close to death to receive this sacrament?
No. Anyone who has a serious illness or injury or is preparing for serious surgery may request the sacrament.
How do I arrange to be anointed?
Anointing of the Sick is held on the first Friday of the month following 8AM Mass or upon request. You may contact the parish office at any time of day or night by calling 348-6337. If the office is closed, you will receive instructions how to leave a message for the priest.