During at least the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year, PREP classes will not be held in person. Rather, through the use of electronic media, including the St. Gregory PREP Program Facebook page, information about Catholic concepts, weekly Gospels, and the sacraments will be shared. Parents of incoming first and seventh graders: please remember that your child MUST attend a Religious Education program during the coming school year inorder to be eligible to receive the sacrament (First Communion or Confirmation) the following year. If you are not yet a member, please “like” the Facebook page St. Gregory’s Catholic Church. Sunday 10 am Mass is streamed live each week. Mass videos are stored on the page so that Mass can be viewed at any time. I will continue to use the St. Gregory PREP Program Facebook page to share information about the “Saint of the Day” and other items of interest. I will be in touch with as many families as possible during the coming week. If you know a family with a school-aged child who should be enrolled in Religious Education classes, please text Clara Fulkerson at 502-249-0458. There is no easy answer for the situation in which we find ourselves. It is my greatest hope and prayer that parents have continued and will continue to make practice of their Catholic faith a part of the family routine.I thank you in advance for your cooperation!